Do you take work home with you? I don’t mean physically, even though that can be concerning too, I mean emotionally. Do you take your work home with you? Does your work trickle into other areas of your life? 

How often are you stressed out at home because of your job? How often are you awake at night because of something that happened at work? How often are you moody at home for no reason? How often are you just unhappy? 

It’s ok. I’ve been there. 

I remember not being able to sleep. Being stressed out over conversations and plans that would never lead to any action. Being micromanaged into utter confusion. Questioning my ability and worth. Feeling undervalued and inadequate… Gaslighting… So many things that spilled over into my personal life.  I knew I needed to shift. 

You deserve great things in all areas of your life. Including your work life. And I definitely encourage you to find a job where you are valued and respected and are able to contribute. But if you can’t right now know this: you are more than your job. 

You are more than your job. 

You may be a mother. A wife. A daughter. A sister. An aunt. An active member of the community. A volunteer. There are so many other roles you have. There are so many things that you are. You are so much more than your job. 

If you are feeling stressed out at work and find yourself taking work home with you try this simple affirmation when the anxiety hits after hours. 

I am more than my job. I am capable and I am valued right now, right here. I am present and experiencing love and joy in this moment. I bring light with me wherever I go.

If you’re into journaling you may want to journal about all the other positive areas of your life and the amazing things you accomplish on a daily basis. This will help you gain perspective. 

Work can be stressful. Know that it’s ok. Take one task at a time. That’s all you can do. If you need help ask. You likely have a boss and they have a role to play helping you be successful to meet the company objectives. It’s ok and perfectly professional to ask for help if and when you need it. 

How to know if you’re bringing work home - blog post coming soon. 

How to find a job and employer that aligns with you - blog post coming soon. 


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