Ok! Let's keep this simple.
Here are my favourite ways to get healthy, clean up my act and kick start any wellness or weight loss journey. Some of these are going to feel a bit weird but I can assure you they will make a world of difference!
Clean up your routine. Not organized in the morning? Clean it up. Not prepared for breakfast? Clean it up. Don’t have 10 minutes for reflective intentional thought? Clean it up.
Clean up your relationships. YOU DESERVE THE BEST! And if you always have to be the better person then maybe you need to get better people.
Clean up your head space. You can do anything you want. You just have to believe in yourself. Clean up those negative thoughts (good bye imposter syndrome!) and just go do it! You totally got this.
Clean up your diet. I’m a big believer that inch pebbles lead to mile stones (see what I did there ;)). Be 1% better today than you were yesterday. Eat an entire bag of chips yesterday? Maybe don’t eat as many (or any!) today or look for a healthy swap. Wellness, healthy eating, fill in the blank, doesn’t need to be hard. Small changes.
Let's not make this one complicated either. I believe you need to eat 6 times a day (6 small meals) and you need to eat healthy. You know what healthy is (i’ll have an entire post about this soon). You know you need to eat (basic bioenergetics, more on that later too!). Go to your kitchen right now. Seriously, NOW! and plan what you will eat tomorrow. Don’t have a lot of healthy options on hand? That’s ok! Do your best with what you have and slowly clean it up.
We have all heard that sitting is the new smoking. If you can move (walk, run, dance, something!) for 20 minutes everyday you will feel so much better. Remember how we talked about cleaning up your routine earlier? This is one of the things you need to add.