My name is Natalie Langor. I'm the founder of Wild Island Wellness and love to help people just like you find happiness through wellness. 

Coming Soon!

I'll help you wherever you are.  
I live in St. John's, and I'm most likely on a Zoom call right now. 
(Well, not right now... but soon!  ;)  )
What I can help you with:
Free! Wellness Tips
Weekly wellness tips sent straight to your inbox.
Free! Printable Wellness Planner
A printable planner to help you with all of the wellness things.
Wellness Coaching
Let's work together to set up a personalized plan for you. 
Fitness Programming + Periodization
A fitness program designed just for you.
Healthy Eating + Meal Planning
A healthy eating program designed for you and your family.

Our Programs
Every program is created just for you.
Coming Soon!
12 Week Wellness Foundation

A structured yet customized program that will take you through the 12 dimensions of wellness.  Online access and text support. You have access to all the info 24/7 from the comfort of your own home.


A monthly customized wellness program designed just for you - fitness, nutrition, mindfulness & selfcare. Online access and text support. You have access to all the info 24/7 from the comfort of your own home.

Fitness Block

A structured yet customized fitness and nutrition program that will have you on your way to reaching your fitness goals. 


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