3 Books In My Parenting Tool Box - You need these in your life!

3 Books In My Parenting Tool Box - You need these in your life!

The other day I posted a photo of what was in my ‘non-diaper diaper bag’. And in the photo was my 23 month olds toilet training potty seat. A few people reached out to me to ask if my little guy was potty trained. Well. Yes! Yes he is. And we couldn’t have done it without “Oh Crap! Potty Training,” by Jamie Glowacki. The book is wonderful! But it got me thinking about a few other books that we love! 

Here’s a quick lowdown of 3 of my favourites. 

1. Oh Crap! Potty Training - Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to do it Once and Do It Right, By Jamie Glowacki

Not going to lie. Day 2 of potty training was the HARDEST day I’ve logged as a parent. We almost quit (PT’ing. Not parenting. It was borderline...). But by day 3 everything came together for our little guy and he was self initiating. I will always remember where I was when he came to get me and bring me to the poop he left in the potty. #proudmama #poopedallbyhimself. 

The book is very well organized and has a great summary section at the end for Dad’s and another great section of you need a refresher on something you just read without going through the whole book. 

Jamie has a no nonsense way of getting you as a parent in shape and ready to get in PT’ing the game, recommending that you wait at least 2 weeks after reading the book to start PT’ing. I have to say this was a great piece of information and allowed us to get organized and confident and calm. 

If you have an 18 month old + you need to get this book ASAP and get your head around this. I had no idea of her recommendation for prime PT’ing. It was merely a coincidence I read the book when I did.  

2. The Wonder Weeks - A Stress Free Guide to Your Baby’s Behavior, By Hetty van de Rijt, Frans X. Plooij & Xaviera Plas-Plooij

Love. Love. Love. This book. As a new mom with not a lot of support around me I learned so much about my newborn and his phases of development. I was clueless about a lot of things but this book helped hone my mama instincts and supported me when times were tough. The book facilitates the first 10 leaps of development which works out to be babes first 75-80 ish weeks. So much useful information. 

They also have a great app that you can download with lots of fun features. 

3. The Whole-Brain Child - 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Childs Developing Mind, By Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

Haven’t read this yet! Lol. But it’s next up on the reading list. I remember being quite impressed when I read the sample on Amazon.  And so far so good which is why it made my list. ;) 

Stay tuned for this one!